Dr Christian Klinke

Honorary Appointment (Science), Science and Engineering
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


Christian Klinke studied physics at the University of Würzburg and the University of Karlsruhe (Germany) where he also obtained his diploma degree in the group of Thomas Schimmel. In March 2000, he joined the group of Klaus Kern at the Institute of Experimental Physics of the EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland). Then from 2003 on, he worked as Post-Doc at the IBM TJ Watson Research Center (Yorktown Heights, USA) in the group of Phaedon Avouris. In 2006, he became member of the Horst Weller group at the University of Hamburg (Germany) and in 2007, he started as assistant professor at the University of Hamburg. In 2009, he received the German Nanotech Prize (Nanowissenschaftspreis, AGeNT-D/BMBF). His research was supported by an ERC Starting Grant and a Heisenberg fellowship of the German Funding Agency DFG. Since 2017 he is an associate professor at the Swansea University and since 2019 full professor at the University of Rostock in Germany (https://www.nanomaterials.uni-rostock.de). His research concerns the colloidal synthesis of nanomaterials and the optoelectronic characterization of these materials.


Areas Of Expertise

  • Colloidal nanomaterials
  • Carbon nanostructures
  • Spectroscopy
  • Optoelectronic transport
  • Simulations

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests

• Physical Chemistry
• Computational Chemistry
• Physics

Research Award Highlights