Sgiliau Daearyddol
Bwriad y modiwl hwn yw cyflwyno myfyrwyr i sgiliau daearyddol craidd. Bydd y sgiliau gwerthfawr yma yn cael eu meithrin trwy gydol eu gradd ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe. Dylai myfyrwyr sy'n dilyn y modiwl gallu defnyddio'r technegau hyn i ddehongli a dadansoddi data o amrywiaeth o amgylcheddau a chyd-destunau. Trafodwyd sgiliau cyflwyno megis defnydd tablau a chreu mapiau.
(The aim of this module is to introduce the participants to essential geographical skills.These invaluable skills will become enhanced throughout their degree at Swansea University. Participants should be able to apply these techniques to data from a wide variety of environments and contexts. Presentation skills will be covered from the use of tables to the drawing of maps.)
Peryglon Naturiol a Chymdeithas
.Bydd y modiwl hwn yn ymchwilio i agweddau peryglus amgylchedd y Ddaear a
pherthynas y gymdeithas â nhw. Bydd egwyddorion cychwynnol yn cynnwys diffiniad o berygl naturiol, trychineb, risg a cholled ac ymagweddau at leihau risg a rheoli trychinebau. Mae¿r prif fathau o berygl naturiol yn cael eu hastudio er mwyn deall sut maent yn gweithredu, ble, a pha mor aml maent yn debygol o ddigwydd. Caiff canlyniadau peryglus eu hystyried, yn ogystal â sut gall y gymdeithas ymateb i ddigwyddiadau peryglus. Mae agweddau allweddol yn cynnwys trafod peryglon cynradd ac eilradd, rhagweld a monitro peryglon, a deall sut y gellir lleihau eu heffeithiau niweidiol. Bydd y peryglon naturiol a fydd yn cael eu hystyried yn y modiwl hwn yn cynnwys ffrwydradau llosgfynyddoedd, daeargrynfeydd, tswnamïau, tanau gwyllt, tirlithriadau, digwyddiadau tywydd eithafol, llifogydd, cwympfeydd eira a Pheryglon Mawr. Bydd y modiwl hefyd yn ystyried y cysyniad o ¿Bobl fel Peryglon¿. Bydd darlithoedd yn ymdrin ag egwyddorion cyffredinol ynghyd ag astudiaethau achos. Bydd dosbarthiadau ymarferol yn atgyfnerthu¿r cysyniadau a drafodir mewn darlithoedd. Bydd agwedd ymarferol y gwaith hwn yn dod i uchafbwynt mewn diwrnod efelychu rheolaeth mewn trychineb.
This module investigates hazardous aspects of Earth¿s natural environment and how society relates to them. Introductory principles include the definition of natural hazard, disaster, risk and loss, and approaches to reducing risk and managing disasters. Major types of natural hazard are studied in order to understand how they operate, where, and how frequently they are likely to occur. Hazardous consequences are explored, as well as how society can respond to hazardous events. Key aspects include discussion of primary and secondary hazards, prediction, forecasting and monitoring of hazards, and understanding how their harmful effects can be minimised.
Natural hazards considered during this module include volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, wildfires, landslides, extreme weather events, flooding, avalanches and Mega Hazards. The module will also consider the concept of ¿Humans as Hazards¿. Lectures consider general principles as well as case studies. Practical classes reinforce concepts learned in lectures. The practical aspect of the work will culminate in a disaster management simulation day.
Sgiliau Gwaith Maes Daearyddol
Mae'r modiwl yma yn ymwneud ag adnabod a diffinio cwestiynau daearyddol o fewn lleoliad maes penodol, a defnyddio'r sgiliau, dealltwriaeth, a thechnegau daearyddol priodol i ymdrin â'r cwestiynau hyn. Yr amcanion cyffredinol yw arsylwi, dadansoddi a chyrraedd dealltwriaeth o'r wahanol dirluniau daearyddol a nodweddion cynhenid y lleoliadau penodol dan astudiaeth. Mae'r modiwl yn cynnwys wythnos o waith maes mewn lleoliad penodedig (gall fod yn dramor), a darlithoedd paratoadol a dilynol a dosbarthiadau arall.
The module is concerned with identifying and defining geographical questions within a specific field location and applying the relevant geographical skills, knowledge and techniques to these questions. The general aims are to observe, analyse and achieve an understanding of the varied geographical landscapes and inherent features of a designated fieldweek location. The module comprises a week's fieldwork at a designated, normally foreign, location and preparatory and post-fieldweek lectures and other classes.
Sgiliau Gwaith Maes Daearyddol : Gwlad yr Iâ - Welsh translation to follow
The module is concerned with identifying and defining geographical questions within a specific field location and applying the relevant geographical skills, knowledge and techniques to these questions. The general aims are to observe, analyse and achieve an understanding of the varied geographical landscapes and inherent features of a designated fieldweek location. The module comprises a week's fieldwork at a designated, normally foreign, location and preparatory and post-fieldweek lectures and other classes.
Sgiliau Gwaith Maes Daearyddol: Lleol
The module is concerned with gaining experience of the geographical skills needed to explore the physical and human geography environments around us. We use our considerable local and regional geographical assets to explore multiple themes in human and physical geography. The general aims are to observe, analyse and achieve an understanding of the varied geographical landscape and inherent features in Swansea and South Wales. The module is run via three online 'field days', with a human, physical and mixed human and physical geography theme. Students will be required to complete all three 'field days' and the associated assignments. Students taking this module will gain experience in research design, methodologies, data analysis and presentation methods. Maximum flexibility is afforded by the range of topics we can explore in the local and regional area. The theme of the trip is "South Wales: Environments, Landscapes, Heritage and Community
Welsh translation to follow
Dulliau Daearyddol a Dadansoddi Data
Welsh translation to follow
This core 20-credit module introduces a variety of physical and human geography methods, along with data analysis. The module builds upon student knowledge and covers research design, data collection and data analysis. Students are introduced to a range of lab and field techniques in physical and / or human geography along with statistical analysis. They gain experience in describing, interpreting and presenting the results.
Sgiliau Dadansoddi Data a Pharatoi Traethawd Hir
Mae¿r modiwl hwn yn adeiladu ar wybodaeth y myfyrwyr am ddulliau ymchwil gymdeithasol a dulliau amgylcheddol (a addysgir yn GEG277) i lunio cynnig am draethawd estynedig. Mae¿r modiwl yn canolbwyntio ar sgiliau allweddol i gynllunio a pharatoi am draethawd estynedig a gyflwynir ar y cyd â¿r Ganolfan Llwyddiant Academaidd, megis rheoli amser, meddwl yn greadigol ac yn feirniadol a datblygu ffocws, ysgrifennu cynnig etc. Mae¿r modiwl yn canolbwyntio hefyd ar ddadansoddi data ansoddol a meintiol a sut i ddefnyddio data¿n effeithiol wrth baratoi am brosiect traethawd estynedig yn y flwyddyn olaf.
This module builds upon student knowledge of social research methods and environmental methods (delivered in GEG277) through to the formulation of a dissertation proposal. The module focuses on key dissertation planning and preparation skills delivered in association with the Centre for Academic Success (CAS) such as time management, creative and critical thinking and developing a focus, writing a proposal etc.The module also focuses on qualitative and quantitative data analysis and how to use data effectively in preparedness for a final year dissertation project.
Dulliau Daearyddol a Dadansoddi Data
Welsh Translation to follow
The dissertation is an original, substantive and independent research project in an aspect of Geography. The dissertation research project is based on 20 - 25 days of primary research (e.g fieldwork, lab work, archive work) and several months of analysis and write-up. The end result must be less than 10,000 words of text. The dissertation offers you the chance to follow your personal interests and to demonstrate your capabilities as a Geographer. During the course of your dissertation, you will be supported by a peer-led discussion group and a staff supervisor. Lectures and guidance are delivered via this module and peer and staff led Dissertation Support Groups are delivered via GEG332. Participating in Dissertation Support Groups is vital, and is assessed and, in these groups, students will provide constructive criticism to fellow students undertaking related research projects, learning from their research problems and subsequent solutions. This support and supervision is delivered through GEG332, which is a co- requisite.
Cefnogaeth Traethawd Hir
This module provides structured, student-led peer-group support and academic staff group supervision for students undertaking the 30-credit 'Dissertation Report: Geography' module.
This support and supervision is assessed through the submission of the Dissertation Outline and the Dissertation Support Group Reflection and Attendance Log.
Working within a supervised Student Peer Group, students have the opportunity to provide constructive criticism to fellow students undertaking related research projects, learning from their research problems and subsequent solutions. Group sessions are the main support provision as student¿s work through their Dissertation.
This module complements the 'Dissertation Report: Geography' module, which is a co-requisite.
Cyfathrebu Gwyddoniaeth
Science communication is a key skill for scientists. Developing these skills allows students to really digest complicated, often abstract theories ideas and find ways to successfully presenting them to non experts. This improves student¿s own understanding as well as equipping them for the much wider world of science and business. Students will learn how to communicate complex science concepts to different audiences using a variety of techniques. Each session of the course will focus onto different modes of communication and will include theoretical and practical components.
Cyfathrebu Gwyddoniaeth (GEC365) Lleoliad
Partnered with BIO351 Science Communication module, this placement-based module allows students to undertake a communications-based placement to gain real-world experience of scientific communication.
Natural Hazards and Society
This module investigates hazardous aspects of Earth¿s natural environment and how society relates to them. Introductory principles include the definition of natural hazard, disaster, risk and loss, and approaches to reducing risk and managing disasters. Major types of natural hazard are studied in order to understand how they operate, where, and how frequently they are likely to occur. Hazardous consequences are explored, as well as how society can respond to hazardous events. Key aspects include discussion of primary and secondary hazards, prediction, forecasting and monitoring of hazards, and understanding how their harmful effects can be minimised.
Natural hazards considered during this module include volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, wildfires, landslides, extreme weather events, flooding, avalanches and Mega Hazards. Lecture material considers general principles as well as case studies. The module is compulsory for students taking BSc Environmental Geoscience.
Geographical Fieldwork skills : Iceland
The module is concerned with identifying and defining geographical questions within a specific field location and applying the relevant geographical skills, knowledge and techniques to these questions. The general aims are to observe, analyse and achieve an understanding of the varied geographical landscapes and inherent features of a designated fieldweek location. The module comprises a week's fieldwork at a designated, normally foreign, location and preparatory and post-fieldweek lectures and other classes.
Dissertation Report: Geography
The dissertation is an original, substantive and independent research project in an aspect of Geography. The dissertation research project is based on 20 - 25 days of primary research (e.g fieldwork, lab work, archive work) and several months of analysis and write-up. The end result must be less than 10,000 words of text. The dissertation offers you the chance to follow your personal interests and to demonstrate your capabilities as a Geographer. During the course of your dissertation, you will be supported by a peer-led discussion group and a staff supervisor. Lectures and guidance are delivered via this module and peer and staff led Dissertation Support Groups are delivered via GEG332. Participating in Dissertation Support Groups is vital, and is assessed and, in these groups, students will provide constructive criticism to fellow students undertaking related research projects, learning from their research problems and subsequent solutions. This support and supervision is delivered through GEG332, which is a co- requisite.
Dissertation Support: Geography
This module provides structured, student-led peer-group support and academic staff group supervision for students undertaking the 30-credit 'Dissertation Report: Geography' module.
This support and supervision is assessed through the submission of the Dissertation Outline and the Dissertation Support Group Reflection and Attendance Log.
Working within a supervised Student Peer Group, students have the opportunity to provide constructive criticism to fellow students undertaking related research projects, learning from their research problems and subsequent solutions. Group sessions are the main support provision as student¿s work through their Dissertation.
This module complements the 'Dissertation Report: Geography' module, which is a co-requisite.
Science Communication
Science communication is a key skill for scientists. Developing these skills allows students to really digest complicated, often abstract theories ideas and find ways to successfully presenting them to non experts. This improves student¿s own understanding as well as equipping them for the much wider world of science and business. Students will learn how to communicate complex science concepts to different audiences using a variety of techniques. Each session of the course will focus onto different modes of communication and will include theoretical and practical components.
Science Communication (GEG365) Placement
Partnered with GEG365 Science Communication module, this placement-based module allows students to undertake a communications-based placement to gain real-world experience of scientific communication.
Science Communication
Science communication is a key skill for scientists. Developing these skills allows students to really digest complicated, often abstract theories ideas and find ways to successfully presenting them to non experts. This improves student¿s own understanding as well as equipping them for the much wider world of science and business. Students will learn how to communicate complex science concepts to different audiences using a variety of techniques. Each session of the course will focus onto different modes of communication and will include theoretical and practical components.