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Professor David Blackaby

Professor David Blackaby

Professor Emeritus (School of Management)
Management School

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Available For Postgraduate Supervision

Research Links


David is a Professor Emeritus of Economics.

From 1996 to 2005 David was the Head of Economics, 2005 to 2008 the Deputy Head of the School of Business and Economics and 2012 to 2013 the Director of Research, College of Business, Economics and Law. He was a member of Royal Economic Society Committee for Women in Economics 2002-2011 and from 1991 to 1995 he was convenor of the Labour Economics Study Group.

He was a member of the Business and Management panels and Economics and Econometrics panels for REA2008 and REF2014. He is currently Deputy Chair of the Business and Management panel REF2021. In 1999, 2006 and 2014 he was a member of The QAA Panel, responsible for writing the Benchmark statement for Economics. He was also a member of ABS Panel producing Academic Journal Quality Guide 2008-2011. David's ESRC responsibilities include being a member of the Research Resources Board 2006-2010, Senior Examiner (Economics) for PhD Competition 2003-2006, Chair of Postgraduate Training Recognition Panel for Economics 2007 and deputy chair in 2005. He was a member of CHUDE Steering Group 2001-2010 and NHS Pay Review Body 2009-2015.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Labour Markets
  • Regional Economics
  • Public Policy
  • Welsh Economy

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests

Teaching interests are in the area of labour economics, regional economics, economic history and public policy.

Research Award Highlights Collaborations