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Dr Annie Tubadji

Dr Annie Tubadji

Senior Lecturer

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Available For Postgraduate Supervision


Annie Tubadji is a cultural and regional economist. She studies the effect of cultural bias in economic choice. She has pioneered the Culture Based Development (CBD) paradigm. This is a paradigm in the field of New Cultural Economics, that precisely quantifies and theoretically models the complex dynamic impact of the cultural context on value perception in individual and group decisions.

The CBD Hypothesis was awarded by the Association for Institutional Thought (AFIT), at the Western Social Science Association meeting, Reno, Nevada, 2010. Relatedly, Annie was awarded the G.L.S. Shackle Scholar at Cambridge University in 2015-2016. In 2021, the Learned Society of Wales awarded Annie with the Dillwyn Medal for CBD's contribution to the study of culture, inequality and discrimination. Her work was featured by the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and VOX.EU. Annie’s current research interests focus on altruism, inequality, polarization and digital inclusion.

Annie received her PhD in labour and regional cultural economics from Regensburg University, Germany. She held academic roles in the University of Bologna (Italy), University of West of England (UK); University of the Aegean (Greece) and the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) (Germany). She was the Cluster Leader for Microeconomics at the Bristol Centre for Economics and Finance (BCEF) and the organizer of the BCEF Economic Research Seminar Series. She was a consultant/project evaluator for the OECD, the EC Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the European Commission. Annie worked also for UNDP, UNICEF and the State Agency for Analysis and Planning, Ministry of Finance, Bulgaria.

At present, she teaches micro, macro economics and research methods and is the organizer of the Economics Research Seminar Series at Swansea University, dedicated to promoting female research excellence. Annie is the representative for Swansea University at the UNESCO-OECD PASCAL International Observatory Network (click here).

Areas Of Expertise

  • New Cultural Economics (NCE) and Narrative Economics
  • cultural capital, religion, race, diversity and discrimination
  • regional productivity, migration, innovation and growth
  • happiness and wellbeing,
  • digital inclusion

Career Highlights


Annie has over 40 publications in peer reviewed journals.

Academic articles:

  • Tubadji, A., M. Gaeshi, A. Crociata and I. Odoardi (2022) "Cultural Capital and Income Inequality across Italian Regions," Regional Studies, 56:3, 459-475.
  • Tubadji, A. (2021) "Culture and Mental Health Resilience in COVID19-Times," Journal of Population Economics, 34, 1219–1259. 
  • Tubadji, A., Huang, H. and Webber, D.J., (2021). “Cultural proximity bias in AI-acceptability: The importance of being human,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 173, p.121100.
  • Tubadji, A., T. Denny and D. Webber (2021) "Cultural relativity in consumers' rates of adoption of artificial intelligence," Economic Inquiry, 59(3): 1234-1251.
  • Tubadji, A., T. Hinks, E. Fetahu and P. Nijkamp (2020) "Network Survival Strategies of Migrant Entrepreneurs in Large Cities - Analysis of Albanian Firms in Milan," Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 32(9-10), 852-878.
  • Tubadji, A., V. Angelis and P. Nijkamp (2016) "Cultural Hysteresis, Entrepreneurship and Economic Crisis: An Analysis of Buffers to Unemployment after Economic Shocks”, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 9(1), pp. 103-136.  
  • Tubadji, A. and P. Nijkamp (2015) "Cultural Gravity Effects among Migrants: A Comparative Analysis of the EU15", Economic Geography, 91(3), pp. 344-380.

Refereed Book Chapters:

  • Tubadji, A. (2021) “Ceteris Paribus and Fixed Effects in Regional and Cultural Economics”, in Soushi, S. and R. Patuelli (2021) A Broad View of Regional Science: Essays in Honor of Peter Nijkamp; Springer.
  • Tubadji, A. and P. Nijkamp (2015) "The Cultural Percolation of New Knowledge: A Regional Analysis for Cultural Impact on Knowledge Creation in the EU27" in Bakens, J., J. Poot and P. Nijkamp (eds.) The Economics of Cultural Diversity, Edward Elgar, pp. 297-326 , 2015.
Award Highlights