I joined Swansea University in September 2013. Prior to this I was a Lecturer in Developmental Psychology at Bangor University. I specialise in child development from early social and cognitive development in babies through to late adolescence. My Ph.D. entitled "The determinants of imitation in infants and young children was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and was supervised by Prof Pauline Horne and Dr. Mihela Erjavec. In the last few years I have started to develop research in the areas of cognitive development during puberty, and the potential influences of video games on adolescents and adults (I currently hold a small BA/Leverhulme grant on this topic). I use many techniques to conduct my research, such as behavioural and observation studies, questionnaire designs and GSR, EEG, and eye-tracking.
I am the Director of the Swansea Playlab