Dr Zari Tehrani

Senior Industrial Fellowship, Chemical Engineering

Telephone number

+44 (0) 1792 604041

Email address

Office - 416
Fourth Floor
Engineering North
Bay Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


Dr Zari Tehrani holds a BSc, MSc, MBL, Mres, PhD in Nanotechnology and MRSC. Over the span of her career, she has amassed a broad network of industrial and academic collaborators and has been a driver for innovation in her projects, namely, developing the world’s first graphene biosensor and developing the world’s first all-printed rechargeable thin film battery.

As part of her Sêr Cymru Senior Research Fellowship, awarded in 2017, she led and drove her own research in printable platform sensor for applications in environmental, food, and medical industries.

Most recently, as a Senior Lecturer in Chemical Engineering and Senior Industrial Fellow with the Royal Academy of Engineering, she has sought out a new challenge - the development of Gel Electrolyte Polymers for use in high scale sodium-ion batteries in conjunction with industrial partners. By coupling extensive experience in printable electronic devices, polymer chemistry and electrochemistry with 17 years of experience in surface characterisation and chemistry, she will be working on unlocking key technology driving the electric revolution. Her track record is a testament to her adaptability and ability to navigate different scientific fields with success.

Zari was selected to be part of the award-winning Welsh Crucible programme in 2023, working on personal, professional and leadership development for future research leaders of Wales.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Battery and Energy Storage
  • Printable Electronic Devices
  • Electrochemistry
  • Polymer Chemistry
  • Surface Characterisation
  • Ink Formulation

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests


Selective recovery of active materials from spent lithium-ion batteries (current)
Other Supervisor: Prof. Serena Margadonna

Emerging sensing materials, fabrication techniques and methods in improving Gas-Sensing Performance of chemo-resistive sensor (current)
Other Supervisor: Paolo Bertoncello

Development of graphene biosensors (current)
Other supervisor: Prof. Owen Guy

The Development and Integration of Microfluidic Devices and electrochemical sensors for potential use in clinical and environmental applications (awarded 2024)
Other supervisor: Prof. Owen Guy
Other supervisor: Dr Jacob Mitchell

A Novel Printable Microfluidic- Bioreactor Platform
Other Supervisor: Prof. David Gethin

Development of Graphene Based Biosensors for Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease (awarded 2023)
Other supervisor: Prof. Owen Guy
Other supervisor: Dr Sanjiv Sharma

Smart and Safe packaging (printable gas sensors)
Other Supervisor: Prof. David Gethin
Other Supervisor: Prof. Davide Deganello
