Welcome to Swansea University's Head Start Series, a range of virtual sessions running over two weeks in the Spring term, designed to prepare you for life at university.

Our Student Life webinars will introduce you to the key teams here at Swansea, who will talk about a variety of areas, from accommodation to sports facilities.

Each session will include a short Q&A at the end, so that any queries can be answered directly by each team. Keep an eye out for our next series, coming soon.

Studying Engineering with a Year in Industry or Year Abroad

The Students' Union, Sports and Societies at University

Studying more than one subject at University

Accommodation at Swansea University

A Day in the Life of a Biomedical Sciences Student

All About Clearing

Humanities and Social Sciences - Global Study Adventures and Invaluable Industry Experiences

Student Services: Supporting You

Science beyond the classroom: Find out more about Year in Industry & Year Abroad

Your Future - Careers Support at the University

Studying an NHS funded degree

Welsh Student Experience at Swansea