As per our Sustainability and Climate Emergency Strategy, Swansea University is committed to achieving Zero carbon for direct emissions (scope 1 and 2) by 2035, with at least a 70% reduction by 2030*. With a Scope 3 target to achieve (on average) a 2.5% year on year reduction in scope 3 emissions, 50% reduction by 2035 (35% by 2030) from a 2015 HEFCW agreed baseline.
The University currently sets an annual decarbonisation budget of £3m which is integrated into Estates projects planning and aligned with the Swansea University Decarbonisation Action Plan, Estates and Campus Services, Net Zero budget. The University COO and the Director of Estates and Campus Services (E&CS) are responsible for the decarbonisation action plan. Performance monitoring, reporting and implementation of decarbonisation interventions are managed by the Sustainability and Infrastructure Services teams.
We publicly report all scope carbon emissions annually alongside other UK HE Institutions on the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) website and publish a Path to Zero Annual Performance Report 2022 - 2023 as part of our ISO14001 Environmental Management System. Targets and performance are monitored through university annual plan performance, Environmental Management Review and strategic Sustainability Committee. We are also signatories of the Race to Zero for Universities and Colleges, a global initiative led by the UN Environment Programme, EAUC & Second Nature.
* Emissions are tracked against targets from our HEFCW agreed 2015/16 baseline year.