Actuarial Science, MSc Adult Critical Care Nursing, PGCert Advanced Computer Science, MSc Advanced Health and Care Management (Value-Based), MSc / PGDip Advanced Management (Applied Innovation), PGCert Advanced Management (Complex Systems), MSc Advanced Management (Health Innovation and Transformation), MSc / PGCert / PGDip Advanced Management (Sport Business and Leadership), MSc / PGCert / PGDip Advanced Practice in Health Care, MSc / PGDip Advanced Sport Performance Science, MSc Aerospace Engineering, MSc Applied Criminal Justice and Criminology, MA Applied Data Science, MSc / PGDip Approved Mental Health Professional, PGCert Artificial Intelligence, MSc Bilingualism pathway, ESRC DTP Integrated MSc and PhD - MSc Element Biomedical Engineering, MSc Biomedical Science (Clinical Biochemistry), MSc / PGDip Biomedical Science (Clinical Microbiology), MSc / PGDip Blood Component Transfusion, PGCert Business Administration, MBA CELTA (Cambridge Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults), Cert Chemical Engineering, MSc Childhood Studies, MA / PGCert / PGDip Civil Engineering, MSc Classics and Ancient History, MA Clinical Exercise Physiology, MSc Clinical Psychology and Mental Health, MSc Clinical Psychology and Mental Health, MSc Clinical Science (Medical Physics), MSc Cognitive Neuroscience, MSc Communication, Media Practice and Public Relations, MA Community Health Studies, Specialist Practice Award in District Nursing, MSc Community Health Studies, Specialist Practice Qualification in District Nursing, PGDip Community and Primary Health Care Practice, MSc / PGCert / PGDip Computational Engineering, MSc Computational Mechanics, MSc Computer Science - Informatique (Swansea), MSc Computer Science, MSc Creative Writing (Extended), MA Creative Writing, MA Criminology Pathway, ESRC DTP Integrated MSc and PhD - MSc Element Cyber Crime and Terrorism, MA Cyber Security, MSc Data Science, Health and Wellbeing pathway, ESRC DTP Integrated MSc and PhD - MSc element Data Science, MSc Development and Human Rights, MA Developmental and Therapeutic Play, MA / PGCert / PGDip Diabetes Practice, MSc / PGCert / PGDip Digital Economy and Society pathway, ESRC DTP Integrated MSc and PhD - MSc Element Economics Pathway, ESRC DTP Integrated MSc and PhD - MSc Element Economics and International Finance, MSc Economics, MSc Education (Wales), MA Education (Wales): Additional Learning Needs, MA Education (Wales): Curriculum, MA Education (Wales): Equity in Education, MA Education (Wales): Leadership, MA Education for the Health Professions, MA / PGCert / PGDip Education, MA / PGCert / PGDip Electronic and Electrical Engineering, MSc Empirical Studies in Law Pathway, ESRC DTP Integrated MSc and PhD - MSc Element Engineering (Aerospace), MSc Engineering Leadership and Management, MSc English Literature, MA Enhanced Professional Midwifery Practice, MSc / PGCert / PGDip Enhanced Professional Practice, MSc / PGCert / PGDip Environmental Drone Remote Sensing, MSc Environmental Dynamics and Climate Change, MSc Finance and Big Data Analytics, MSc Financial Analytics, MSc Financial Technology (FinTech), MSc Forensic Psychology, MSc Gender, Power and Violence, MA / PGDip Genomic Medicine, MSc / PGCert / PGDip Geographic Information and Climate Change, MSc Global Biodiversity and Conservation, MSc Health Care Management, MSc Health Data Science, MSc / PGCert / PGDip Health Informatics, MSc / PGCert / PGDip Health Informatics, MSc Distance learning at St John's Research Institute, Bangalore India Healthcare Practice, MSc History, MA Human Geography pathway, ESRC DTP Integrated MSc and PhD - MSc Element Human Resource Management, MSc / PGDip Human Rights, LLM Intellectual Property and Innovation, LLM International Accounting and Finance, MSc International Banking and Finance, MSc International Business, MSc International Commercial Law, LLM International Commercial and Maritime Law, LLM International Finance, MSc International Financial Management, MSc International Journalism, MA International Maritime Law, LLM International Relations (Extended), MA International Relations, MA International Security and Development, MA International Trade Law, LLM Investment Management, MSc Law and Legal Practice, LLM LegalTech and Commercial Law, LLM Linguistics pathway, ESRC DTP Integrated MSc and PhD - MSc Element Management (Artificial Intelligence), MSc Management (Business Analytics), MSc Management (Digital Business), MSc Management (Enterprise and Innovation), MSc Management (Finance), MSc Management (Human Resource Management), MSc Management (International Management), MSc Management (Marketing), MSc Management (Operations and Supply Management), MSc Management (Sport), MSc Management (Sustainable Business), MSc Management and Business pathway, ESRC DTP Integrated MSc and PhD - MSc Element Management, MSc / PGDip Marketing, MSc Materials Engineering, MSc Mathematics and Computing for Finance, MSc Mathematics, MSc Mechanical Engineering, MSc Medical Education, MSc / PGCert / PGDip Medical Neuroscience, MSc Medical Radiation Physics, MSc / PGCert / PGDip Medicine (Graduate Entry), MBBCH Medieval Studies, MA Nanomedicine, MSc / PGCert / PGDip Non-Medical Prescribing for Allied Health Professionals, PGCert Non-Medical Prescribing for Nurses and Midwives, PGCert Non-Medical Prescribing for Pharmacists, PGCert Nursing (Adult), MSc Nursing (Mental Health), MSc Oil, Gas and Renewable Energy Law, LLM Physician Associate Studies, MPAS Politics, MA Power Engineering and Sustainable Energy, MSc Primary with QTS, PGCert Professional Legal Practice, LLM Professional Translation (Extended), MA Professional Translation (Extended, with Université Grenoble Alpes), MA Professional Translation, MA Psychology (Conversion), MSc Psychology pathway, ESRC DTP Integrated MSc and PhD - MSc Element Public Health and Health Promotion, MSc / PGDip Public History and Heritage, MA Public History and Heritage, MA (Extended) Public Policy (Extended), MA Public Policy, MA Research Methods in Psychology, MSc Secondary PGCE with QTS: Biology, PGCert Secondary PGCE with QTS: Chemistry, PGCert Secondary PGCE with QTS: Computer Science, PGCert Secondary PGCE with QTS: Design and Technology, PGCert Secondary PGCE with QTS: English, PGCert Secondary PGCE with QTS: Geography, PGCert Secondary PGCE with QTS: History, PGCert Secondary PGCE with QTS: Mathematics, PGCert Secondary PGCE with QTS: Modern Foreign Languages (French, Spanish), PGCert Secondary PGCE with QTS: Physics, PGCert Secondary PGCE with QTS: Welsh, PGCert Semiconductor Technology and Applications, MSc Social Research Methods, ESRC DTP MSc Social Research Methods, MSc Social Work, MSc Society, Environment and Global Change, MSc Space Engineering, MSc Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (School Nursing), PGDip Sport Psychology, MSc Sport and Exercise Science pathway, ESRC DTP Integrated MSc and PhD - MSc Element Sports Communication and Journalism, MA Strategic Accounting, MSc Structural Engineering, MSc Sustainable Aviation, MSc Sustainable Engineering Management, MSc Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, MA / MA 2 Year Part-time / PGDip Translation and Interpreting (Extended with Université Grenoble Alpes), MA Translation and Interpreting (Extended), MA Translation and Interpreting, MA Virtual Reality, MSc War and Society, MA