The Wales Safer Communities Network was established in 2021 to address community safety issues. A key challenge identified was the decreasing resources available for the sector, impacting the development of 'appropriate skills and knowledge'. The Network sought to assess the training needs to equip Community Safety professionals with the necessary skills and confidence for their roles.

We designed a Training Needs Assessment (TNA) using a mixed-methods approach, incorporating an online survey and a focus group discussion. The survey aimed to quantify the training needs, existing skills and potential improvements. The focus group, comprising key stakeholders, was used to deepen the understanding of the main themes identified in the survey.

The research provided recommendations to the Network and its Board, suggesting the adoption of five key training building blocks for community safety. It also advised involving community safety practitioners in the development of training content, and working with an appropriate provider for the review and accreditation of the training materials. This research has significantly contributed to the ongoing development of training provision in Wales.

Wales Safer Communities Network Training