Picture of the river Teifi showing a flowing water current surrounded by lush green landscape

Picture of the river Teifi showing a flowing water current surrounded by lush green landscape

Reconnecting the Salmon Rivers of Wales is a £500K project led by Swansea University and funded by the Nature Networks Fund. The team will remove 17 disused barriers and help reconnect 141 km of fragmented river habitats across Wales.

This project will help reconnect five iconic Atlantic salmon rivers: the Western and Eastern Cleddau, the Usk, the Tywi, and the Teifi. Reconnecting quality habitats for salmon will make these populations less isolated and therefore more resilient to future change.

The project will benefit people and nature. Anglers will benefit from having more abundant and resilient fish stocks. While canoeists will have more free-flowing rivers to canoe. Many aquatic species such as the freshwater pearl mussel, sea trout, sea lamprey, white-clawed crayfish, and the Eurasian otter require free-flowing rivers.

The 5 partners: Swansea University, Affan Valley Angling Club, Afonydd Cymru, West Wales Rivers Trust, Welsh Water, The Wye & Usk Foundation and Natural Resources Wales, will work together to reconnect the salmon rivers of Wales.

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