River Warriors agenda showing all logos from sponsors NNF Reconnecting the Salmon Rivers of Wales and participants: The Rivers Trusts of Wales, Natural Resources Wales

River Warriors agenda 

Swansea University hosted the RIVER WARRIORS seminar on the 22 March, 2022. The event was a success and had the participation of four keynote speakers, check the agenda below. The presentations are also free to download

Seminar Swansea University, 22 March 2022

Location: Grove building, room 330 from 13:00-15:00 hrs

How to become a river healer
Alex Lumsdon, West Wales Rivers Trust

Afonydd Cymru The Rivers Trusts of Wales
Caroline Orr

Fisheries Programme Delivery in NRW
Dave Charlesworth, Natural Resources Wales

Future challenges for Welsh Fisheries: the salmon and sea trout plan of action Protecting culturally, economically and ecologically important fish stocks
Ben Wilson, Natural Resources Wales

All presentations are free to access and download

The seminar was Sponsored by NNF Reconnecting the Salmon Rivers of Wales 


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