Picture showing the lumpfish logo in light blue in a dark blue background. Title: Tools for improving the welfare of lumpfish, subtitle: Lumpfish welfare watcher; subheadings: 5th of May 2022,12:00 to 13:00, Aquaculture UK 2022 - Aviemore Scotland. Presented by Dr Sara Barrento

Information about the session details include location, date, time and presenter

Swansea University will be delivering an exciting workshop at the Aquaculture UK entitled “Tools for improving the welfare of lumpfish”. The workshop will take place on the 5th of May 2022 from 12:00 to 13:00 and is free to all attendees.

The workshop will consist of two main topics followed by a discussion panel:

  1. facilitated hands-on test session of the Lumpfish Welfare Watcher - a web-based & desktop application designed to help fish farmers assess and improve the welfare of Lumpfish
  2. using AI to improve lumpfish welfare

During the workshop, you will get a free lumpfish welfare chart and learn how to use it in combination with the following lumpfish welfare tools: the lumpfish BMI calculator for the detection of underweight fish and the Rapid Welfare Assessment Tool to calculate the overall welfare of lumpfish.

On the 4th of May, we will be at SAIC’s stall from 15:00 to 15:30, showcasing our cleaner fish research and how we are training the next generation of aquaculture professionals.

“We encourage everyone interested in fish welfare – farmers, researchers, students, vets, and welfare interest groups to attend this exciting workshop”, said Dr Sara Barrento, Swansea University, speaker and organizer of the workshop.

This is the second joint event in a series organized and supported by the projects: Access2Sea, SIF and SMARTAQUA. The first event took place during the Lochaber Ideas Week – Aquaculture Day in Fort William, Scotland on the 17 of November 2021.

This event is supported by the SMARTAQUA: aquaculture beyond food sponsored by the Welsh Government and the European Regional Development Fund. Seafood Innovation Fund (SIF); the Access2Sea European Project funded by the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme through the European Regional Development Fund, led by the Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research, Swansea University

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