Dillwyn Medal (Social Sciences, Education and Business): Dr Leighton Evans
Leighton Evans is an Associate Professor of Media Theory at Swansea University. Leighton’s research concerns the mediation of everyday experience and life by digital media. He is the author of Locative Social Media (2015), The Re-emergence of Virtual Reality (2018) and the co-author of Location-based Social Media: Space, Time and Identity (2017), Intergenerational Locative Play: Augmenting Family (2021) and From Microverse to Metaverse: Modelling the Future Through Today’s Virtual Worlds (2022).
The Dillwyn Medals celebrate the contribution of early career researchers working in, or with a connection to, Wales.
Dr Evans said: “I am delighted and honoured to be receiving a medal from the Learned Society of Wales. Receiving this honour is not just a recognition of past efforts, but a profound encouragement for the future. I am deeply humbled and inspired to continue pushing the boundaries of knowledge for the betterment of Wales and the wider world.”