Never has there been such a time to talk about death and dying than during the current Coronavirus Pandemic. In a time of unprecedented deaths the impact on those who have lost loved ones will undoubtedly be immeasurable. 

This is made more difficult as we are not able to meet each other face-to-face to do talk about the affects of the losses and deaths. This event will hopefully provide an outlet for those who have been effected by the virus in some way to find some comfort at least by talking about it.

A Death Cafe is a group directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives or themes. You can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee whilst sitting in your favourite chair at home. To date there have been 10806 Death Cafes held across the world.

It is a discussion group rather than a grief support or counselling session. This is a chance to talk together informally about something that affects us all in an open, respectful and confidential space. The objective is to allow a safe environment for people to explore issues surrounding death without an agenda, judgment, or criticism.

When you participate there will be just two questions for you: What is your name, and why did you choose to come participate today? You can choose to participate by speaking, or just by listening to what others have to say. Everyone is welcome.

This Café is being hosted via the Department of Inter-Professional Studies (CHHS) at Swansea University aligned to the National Dying Matters Awareness Week. Last year’s event was hosted in the form of a Mini Symposium which attracted health professionals and members of public from far and wide.

The event host will be Paul Marinaccio-Joseph.

If you would like further details or to book a place at the Café, kindly email your Full name and Email address to:

Zoom log on details and password will then be emailed to you at the email address provided. 

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