One growing area of interest for the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law (IISTL) is the impact of emerging technologies on principles of commercial and shipping law and how best to adapt to them.
Our 15th April webinar was on just these topics. Our own Professors Soyer and Tettenborn discussed the issues at length with leading experts of shipping law and practice; namely, Julian Clarke (Global Senior Partner of Ince) and Grant Hunter (Head of Contracts and Clauses at BIMCO). The Law Commission was also represented by Laura Burgoyne (Head of the Commercial and Common Law Team) and Daniella Lupini (Lead Lawyer on Smart Contracts).
The event attracted a very good audience from not only the UK but North America, Asia, Europe and Africa. The large number of informed and interesting questions directed to the panellists by participants afterwards was a sign that the webinar was both timely and well-received.
The IISTL’s next webinar is entitled “The Tomorrowland of Multimodal Transport: How Technology and Law are Transforming Global Commerce and the Supply Chain”, and happens on 12 May.