Older woman sitting down looking up at a nurse in uniform who has her arms on her shoulders and smiling

A Swansea University researcher is on the hunt for help to carry out a unique study into older Welsh speakers’ experience of care.

PhD student Angharad Higgins, from the Centre for Innovative Ageing, wants to talk to older Welsh speakers, living in care homes or care settings such as hospitals, about Welsh and the part it plays in the lives.

Angharad said: “We know that people from Welsh-speaking communities may sometimes have to be cared for in different areas so perhaps their daily contact with their first language has been reduced.

“They may no longer be living among people they have a shared history with. We want to understand what has changed in their lives since they have gone into care and how this matters to them.”

For the study Angharad would also like to hear from individuals, or family and close friends who can put her in contact with individuals who might want to be part of the study

Funded by the Wales School for Social Care Research, it is hoped the study’s findings will eventually be used to help share good practices.

Find out more about the project 

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