A large group of students in graduation robes throw their mortarboards in the air while standing in front of Swansea University’s Great Hall.

As the academic year draws to a close, it is a time to celebrate and congratulate the significant achievements of the class of 2024.

This year’s graduates embody the spirit of collaboration and innovation that defines Swansea University. As we celebrate their success, we also reflect on the strength and vibrancy of our ever-growing alumni network, which continues to shape and enrich communities worldwide. 

The journey to graduation is one filled with academic challenge, personal growth and hours of hard work. Our 2024 graduates have navigated their journeys with dedication and tenacity, against a backdrop of unprecedented global and national challenges. They have navigated the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which shifted education to virtual platforms and demanded adaptation to new learning environments. They have faced economic uncertainty, in the wake of global recessions and cost of living pressures. 

In addition to these challenges, the past few years have seen significant social change. Movements for racial justice, gender equality and LGBTQ+ rights have gained momentum worldwide. Our graduates have not only witnessed these transformative social movements but have actively participated in advocating for a more just and equitable society. The class of 2024 will be leaving Swansea University equipped with more than just academic knowledge. They possess the skills, adaptability and global awareness needed to navigate and succeed in an ever-changing world.

The graduation milestone not only celebrates the individual talents of our graduates but is also testament to the supportive and enriching environment cultivated by Higher Education institutions across the UK. It is difficult to overstate the impact of our universities as vehicles for progress and development. They create opportunities, enhance social mobility and equip graduates with skills essential for the workforces of the future. Indeed, as many as a quarter of countries across the globe have serving leaders who were educated in the UK.

Universities generate significant economic contributions too, adding approximately £130 billion annually to the UK economy and creating thousands of job opportunities, both as major employers in their own right and through spin-outs and start-ups. With the demand for highly skilled professionals set to rise, it is estimated that over 11 million additional graduates will be needed in the UK by 2035.

Of course, graduates benefit individually, earning significantly more than their non-graduate peers on average (by the age of 31 the difference is around £8,000), but society benefits too – where would we be without the teachers, nurses, doctors and dentists that are trained in our universities? Figures from Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) released in the last year, show that 95% of Swansea University graduates are either employed, undertaking study or in other meaningful activities after completing their degrees. This statistic is a testament to the value of a Swansea University education and the preparedness of our graduates to thrive in a competitive and ever-evolving job market. 

Swansea University has always been more than an academic institution; it is a vibrant community where lifelong connections are forged, and futures are moulded. Our growing alumni network, comprising over 235,000 members from across the world, stands as a testament to the lasting impact of a Swansea University education. These connections and friendships are powerful, opening doors to opportunities, nurturing collaborations, and creating a rich global community.    

This year’s graduates join a lineage of distinguished alumni who have made significant contributions across a range of fields, both here in Wales and further afield. From undertaking pioneering research to launching innovative start-ups, from taking on influential leadership roles in the arts and public service, to achieving unbounded success in sports and business, our alumni are making waves across the globe. We encourage our graduates to stay connected, share their achievements and experiences, and to remain engaged with Swansea University. Their continued involvement enriches our community and provides inspiration to current and future students.

As we look ahead to our upcoming graduation ceremonies, we do so with a sense of optimism and pride. Our graduates of today are the leaders, innovators and change-makers of tomorrow, and we are proud to have been a part of their journey. As they join our alumni network, we look forward to witnessing the contributions they will make in their respective fields, and the positive impact they will have on the world in the years to come.

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