Swansea University habitat map

Swansea University has now had the habitats across both campuses fully mapped.

Over the summer we hired back one of our very recent graduates and year in industry students, Tim Andrewes.

We asked Tim to create biodiversity net gain maps of both of our campuses with a full report of the habitats and their condition on campus. Tim learnt all about GIS mapping during his studies and year in industry with our Biodiversity Officer, as well as learning key details about the species present on campus.

Tim completed over 300 habitat condition surveys, giving us a biodiversity baseline on which to build. He also presented important ‘next steps’ and recommendations based on his findings that our Biodiversity Officer can now work towards.

Tim has been one of our sustainability superstar which we have duly rewarded him with our UN Sustainable Development Goal pin badge as a way of saying thank you!

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