Manylion y Cwrs

Pharmacogenomics and stratified health care ensure that healthcare professionals offer the right treatment, for the right person, at the right time is a fast-developing area.

‘Personalised medicine’ is the buzzword of the moment, with advances in pharmacogenomic testing enabling more effective, targeted therapies to patients in the field of asthma, analgesia, oncology and beyond. Continued understanding of the genomic basis of drug response will reduce drug-related adverse effects, save costs, and ensure a better therapeutic outcome.

This module will provide a comprehensive overview of the analytical strategies and techniques used in pharmacogenomics and explore some of the challenges and limitations in this field. The module will also provide an overview of the different type of pharmacogenomic biomarkers currently in use or emerging and the current feasibility of delivering ‘personalised medicine’ in the clinic.

Lefel y Cwrs

FHEQ (beth yw ystyr hyn?)

Pwy ddylai fynychu

Mae'r cwrs hwn yn ddelfrydol ar gyfer unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb mewn dysgu am farcwyr ffarmacogenomig, heriau a chyfyngiadau.


Gorffennaf 2022


7 x 1 hour lectures
5 x 2 hour lectures
1 x 2 hour online workshop
1 x 2 hour online journal club
1 x 3 hour online practical.

Contact Hours will be delivered through a blend of live activities online and on-campus, and may include, for example, lectures, seminars, practical sessions and Academic Mentoring sessions.


Assignment 1, Assignment 2, Assignment 3

Pris y Cwrs

Cysylltwch â ni am fanylion ffioedd y cwrs.


Ysgol Feddygaeth Prifysgol Abertawe,
Institute of Life Science 2,
Swansea University,
Singleton Park,

Sut i Wneud Cais

Am ymholiadau cysylltwch a Dr Claire Morgan.


Dr Aidan Seeley