Community Practitioner Nurse or Midwife Prescribing (V150), SHG3119, FHEQ

Manylion y Cwrs

The module will facilitate the acquisition of appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes for safe effective prescribing from the Nurse Prescribing Formulary. The benefits of nurse prescribing have been consistently reported in the literature with evidence to show improved patient care and satisfaction, increased access to medicines, reduction in waiting times and delivery of high quality care (Royal College of Nursing 2012). The module has been designed to enable students to achieve the competencies outlined in the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) ‘A Competency Framework for all Prescribers’ (2021).

To practise competently at this level requires practitioners to possess knowledge of pharmacology and ethical and legislative frameworks. Successful completion will enable the practitioner to record their qualification as a ‘community practitioner nurse/ midwife prescriber (V150)’.

A practice assessor (PA), practice supervisor (PS) and academic assessor (AA) will support each student in an audited educational practice setting. The PA, PS and AA will work alongside the student in guiding prescribing practice in a simulated environment. The Lead Midwife for Education (LME) will support the specific learning needs of midwife students.

NB. If at any time unsafe practice is demonstrated an automatic fail will result.

Lefel y Cwrs

FHEQ (beth yw ystyr hyn?)

Pwy ddylai fynychu

Gall unrhyw nyrs neu fydwraig sy'n gweithio yn y gymuned wneud hyn


24 Medi 2024


The module will be delivered using blended learning and will include 60 hours (10 days) of theory which may be delivered remotely via online platforms and a minimum of 60 hours learning in practice


Examination 1, Examination 2, Practice Assessment Document

Pris y Cwrs

Cysylltwch â ni am fanylion ffioedd y cwrs.


Campws Singleton, Prifysgol Abertawe

Sut i Wneud Cais

E-bost yma


Nia Griffin

Nyrs Ymarferydd Cymunedol neu Ragnodydd Bydwraig - V150